In order to reach as many people as possible in the project countries, project partner akaryon developed an app for collecting data from end consumers. The special feature: the partners planning activities with end consumers can adapt the surveys to…
Training to obtain URBAN MENUS Diploma in Resilient City Development in October 2024
2 Pre-Diplomas to gain skills in participative and sustainable urban and regional development using VR/AR tools and Green Deal impact assessment. *E-learning is self-paced, workshops will be conducted at fixed dates in Vienna and Barcelona (using our equipment), or online…
Inclusive public spaces
Designing cities with the specific needs of individuals with autism in mind requires a thoughtful and inclusive approach to urban planning. Our vision comprises of In the ERASMUS+ project URBAN MENUS educational – DIALOGUE WITH A RESILIENT FUTURE our aim…
November 25, 2022 evaluation training of workshop 1
The first training is all about the Green Deal and how the Green Deal Agenda is influencing rural and urban planning.We prepared an online training, with most of the participants from Bulgaria.We gained valuable results on how to further develop…