Among the first in the communal CO2 balance
We are happy that in 2004 (!) we were allowed to implement one of the first tools for municipal CO2 balancing for Climate Alliance Austria with the climate balance (for the “veterans” among us – at that time it was called “CO2 rough balance”).

The Climate Balance is still in operation
Since 2004, there have of course been a number of updates to the tool to reflect innovations – e.g. SECAP of the Covenant of Mayors. Unfortunately, however, budget resources are limited, so that many nice ideas for the municipalities have been put on the back burner for the time being …
In any case, the Climate Balance is still a very good entry-level tool for municipal
CO2 reporting.
Interested municipalities please contact the operator Klimabündnis Österreich, Klimabündnis Österreich also organizes basic data for the balancing!