The CHELLIS project offers innovative language training for adults, in which new impulses and ideas for an environmentally conscious everyday life are conveyed through inspiring stories on environmental topics.
The project aims to raise awareness of current environmental challenges and green issues. At the same time, CHELLIS offers the opportunity to improve language skills in English, French, German, Greek, Italian and Portuguese.

akaryon is the contractor responsible for the development and implementation of the digital tools.
CHELLIS research report and field analysis
TThematic overview, resulting from research and interviews in all partner countries on environmental pollution, waste and energy production.
CHELLIS Handbook-Magazin
Reference tool for professionals with guidelines, best practices and recommendations for working with adult learners and co-grantors.
CHELLIS Interactive Online-Plattform
Engaging stories that support eco-friendly lifestyles, designed for learners who want to improve their language skills. Available in English, French, German, Greek, Italian and Portuguese.
Further information about the project and contact:
Facebook: @CHELLISproject
