A project co-funded within the ERASMUS+ project with two main areas of responsibility:
- Qualification of climate managers for municipalities or institutions of the private and public sector.
- Establishment of a digital library for climate protection
Climate managers are persons who work as sustainability officers, ESG (Environmental Social Governance), or CSR managers or are responsible for measures in connection with greenhouse gas reduction, energy transition, climate monitoring, or sustainability reporting.
Two e-learning courses are being developed for the qualification:
- Climate change mitigation and digital campaigning.
- Digital measurement of climate impact
The project team, consisting of representatives of Climate Alliance national organizations from several European countries, brings experience from many environmental fields and will be supported by an associated group of municipalities.
Both digital and on-site multiplier events will contribute significantly to the dissemination of the project results.
In the digital library for climate protection, a comprehensive catalog of projects and tools will be collected and made accessible in a low-threshold manner, most of which have been developed with public funding.
Further information about the project and contact:
Website: www.cinamon.org
E-mail: cinamonproject@gmail.com
Facebook: @CinamonProject
YouTube: CINAMON channel
Download project info: CINAMON – Spice up your digital analytical skills for Climate Action and Monitoring (pdf)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.