A new ERASMUS+ project has started in September 2020, with partners from four countries: Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, and Romania. Four universities (FH-Campus Vienna, Catholic University Eichstatt-Ingolstadt, Ostravska Univerzita, Universitatea Babes Bolyai) and another research-based SME (xit) will work together with akaryon to compile teaching materials for universities on green controlling.
Sustainability management gives equal weight to the importance of a company’s economic, environmental and social goals. The social economy (an emerging European sector providing social services) is mainly composed of non-profit organizations that so far lack this important management approach and related skills. These organizations also need employees* with competencies in the field of sustainability, therefore it is necessary to include these topics in the university education of future managers* in the social economy.
Our project eco3 will fill this gap and develop an educational package with 15 ECTS for social economy students, consisting of:
Two specific courses (Sustainability Management & Green Controlling) to develop specific competencies/skills;
Learning and teaching materials applicable to different courses (such as social work, social management): a guide for teachers, PowerPoint slides, a list of recommended literature, a guide for group work and discussion groups, and a script for each course.
A workshop simulation game “Green Monopoly” and a “Green Controlling Tool” to experiment with different scenarios in various social economy case studies.
Pocket Lectures: video and podcast episodes on sustainability management in social enterprises, for review or preparation.
We are already curious to see if a purely virtual team building also works out well, because these projects usually involve a series of international project meetings, which are now canceled, at least for the first phase.
The first key points of the project can also be found in the press release.

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Contract Number: 20-1-AT01-KA203-078028