Search engine strategies – do we still need them today?

Even though there aren’t really many search engines anymore, the few remaining ones are a very important ‘feeder’ of interested parties for our websites/shops, etc. On-page and off-page measures are still very important.
And we don’t believe that you have to invest hundreds of Euros per month in paid advertising. But of course, we are also happy to support large campaigns.


Newsletters are an important marketing tool, but sending them is often a technical problem and the current laws require compliance with many regulations (e.g. matching with the Robinson list of the RTR, DSGVO, and Co). And of course, everything should be nicely integrated and automatic, from the registration for the newsletter, creation of the mailing to the analysis of accesses, clicks, etc. – i.e. the success of a mailing.

Web statistics are exciting

As we said, we love numbers and from the web statistics, we can deduce some interesting things.

Social Media

You don’t have to be there everywhere, but you can if it makes sense!

It is still simple and efficient

Contact us for a no-obligation initial consultation – we’ll find the customized online marketing mix for your products/services.