Active for the Covenant of Mayors Europe with IT services and sustainability expertise since 2020

Over the past three years, we have supported the Covenant of Mayors project, implementing numerous improvements in the reporting system and developing a completely new project website to enable European mayors to collaborate more effectively for the energy transition. Due to the excellent collaboration and the exciting and current nature of the project, we are very pleased to announce that we have recently secured the follow-up contract.

Continued involvement in energy transition processes of European municipalities

We will contribute our expertise to this project in the coming years as well. There are several ideas in the pipeline, and some are already being implemented. Further improvements to the reporting platform and the website can be expected. We will report on these updates in due course.

I am also personally very pleased that we received this contract. This time, I was directly involved in drafting our proposal for the bid and was able to contribute my expertise in advance. It is sometimes quite challenging to present ideas and concepts in a way that is both concise and comprehensive, making them understandable even to those who are less familiar with the project or less technically inclined.

Here’s to more successful project years and many great ideas being implemented!

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