In the context of the Clean Energy Package, the Energy Communities Repository has collected data from European Union Member States on their existing policies and regulations for energy communities. The data is published in a centralised database.
In this database you have access to the following information for each country:
– Country fiches explain how each Member State defines energy communities in national law.
– A summary of the rights and obligations of energy communities within each countr is provided.
– The legal, regulatory, and administrative frameworks provided to support the growth of energy communities in each Member state is presented
– The database indicates whether Member States have carried out or plan to carry out an assessment of the barriers and potential for the development of renewable energy communities.
– A wide range of financial support mechanisms are presented.
– At the moment information for 15 countries are already available. More countries will be added to this database soon.
The database is additionally visualized in a map, that offers a quick overview of the state of energy community policies in Europe