Operate a platform for data on Energy Communities and provide technical assistance to support the establishment of Energy Communities.
The project aims to establish and operate an advisory and information hub that monitors the legal, regulatory and policy framework for Energy Communities and collects data on the development of Energy Communities in the European Union. It will also provide guidance on the establishment of Energy Communities and share best practices from across Europe.
Akaryon’s task is to set up and run a project website. This will include an interactive map of Energy Communities across the European Union. It will also provide a database and the necessary structure, as well as make the impact assestemnt. In addition, akaryon will contribute its expertise to other parts of the project, for example in the areas of technical support and capacity building.
The Consortium:
Akaryon collaborates with the following partners in the project:
- REScoop.eu is a European federation of renewable energy cooperatives.
- EEnergy Cities is an association of European cities involved in the energy transition
- FEDARENE is a European network of regional and local organizations focused on energy and environmental policy.
- Florence School of Regulation – Energy & Climate (European University Institute) is part of the Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute in Florence.