Work on the European Energy Communities Facility: Support & info hub for Energy Communities At the beginning of September 2024, the kick-off meeting for our new project, the European Energy Communities Facility, took place, once again focusing on energy communities…
New data dashboard on EU Energy Communities published
As part of the Energy Communities Repository project, we have been collecting data from and about energy communities in the EU over the last few months. We have now created a summarizing data dashboard from the collected data. After some…
Final conference – Energy Communities Repository
On 10th of November 2023, the final conference of the Energy Communities Repository was held in the Royal Dublin Society together with the sister project Rural Energy Community Advisory Hub (RECAH). After almost two years of mainly virtual EU-wide co-operation,…
Joint closing conference of the Energy Communities Repository and Rural Energy Community Advisory Hub
The Energy Communities Repository and Rural Energy Community Advisory Hub have been committed to supporting energy communities in their journey for the past two years. At the joint closing conference, there is the chance to talk about the key results…
Launch of the Energy Communities Repository survey
On 21 June 2023, the Energy Community Repository launched an online survey dedicated to energy communities from the European Union and the Western Balkans. The aim of the survey is to gain a better understanding of the impact of energy…
Launch of the EU Energy Communities Map
The European Commission’s Energy Community Repository has just launched its interactive map of energy communities in Europe. This map provides an overview of Europe’s energy communities and their specific data, such as the type of energy community they are, the…